Sunday, November 4, 2012

Group Leadership Project - Final

My group is Group 4 which included Tracy, Suzanne, Charlene and myself. I honestly could not have asked for a better group. These ladies were always so easy to reach out to and were always open to  collaborating. What we present to you, is a video tutorial on how to use Google Hang Out. We used many different video productions and editing tools such as Camtasia, iMovie and Screenomatic. I know we had talked about using Jing in the beginning but it just did not offer us the time and effects that we wanted to use within our tutorials. After creating our three tutorials, we then easily posted them to YouTube. In the first tutorial, Suzanne used Screenomatic to create it and used iMovie to edit and upload it to YouTube. iMovie provided great ways to edit and input transitions while also allowing easy access to export anything to YouTube. Tutorial 2 & 3 were created in Camtasia by Charlene. Suzanne was supposed to edit it but we ran into compatibility issues so Charlene ended up taking on some editing. Luckily, group work was divided up very well so we did not worry about this too much. Camtasia is just a great way to capture anything on your screen. This was exceptionally useful when recording how to create a google account and using google hang out. You can view Tutorial 1, which talks about what Google Hang Out is and the benefits that come with Google+. You can also watch Tutorial 2, where we discuss how to create a Google Account and Tutorial 3, where you can learn how to create a Hang Out and upload it to Youtube.

I learned a lot through the final production of this project. Google Hang Out was something that I always knew about but never was familiar with. Now I can honestly say that I am extremely comfortable with Google Hang Out and would love to encourage teachers to use it within their classrooms. It's such a great tool and has so many resources that could be very effective to both teachers and students. I have also been slowly becoming a fan of Google+. I am a who Apple/Mac advocate so I try to stick to what I favor but Google has made many things so easy and so "education-friendly." I have been enjoying every second I get to explore what they have to offer. In addition to this, I also learned a lot about group work. Due to hurricane Sandy, I was unable to access a computer for five days. It has been true chaos here on Long Island and I am just so grateful that I have a group that is so understanding. I am also grateful that we broke up our work like we did because when it came time to meet our deadlines, even though I do not have power, I didn't need to worry much because I had already contributed my part. We collaborated and emailed each other all the time to keep posted and this taught me how important communication is within distant-learning. I really enjoyed working with these girls and I think we made the perfect group.

If I could do something differently within our group it honestly probably would've been prevent hurricane Sandy. It just ruined my opportunity to see the final production before we submitted it and I was bummed that I didn't get to give much input. Although I contributed my part, I still wanted to be there to give my opinion on some things. I also wish I was able to help Suzanne more because I have a Mac and this could've prevented the compatibility issue. However, hurricane Sandy really ruined this for us. I think it would have also been more helpful if we really spent more time on discussing what recording and editing tools we wanted to use than experimenting with different ones. Regardless, I think we created a great tutorial and I think it is going to be useful to many people. I am very lucky to have worked with such a wonderful group! :)

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