Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Funny Thing That Happened With Technology...

Hey guys! Below you can view my video I made that talks about a funny thing that I constantly encounter when sending a text's actually really embarrassing but I made it funny. This video is a combination of me talking, images and an animated pieces from

Please note that I was having issues with publishing the videos I made from, so what I ended up doing what using Camtasia Studio to record my preview of my videos I made. This is why the xtranormal videos are not completely clear so I apologize for that.

Please view my video in full screen mode so that you are able to read some of the images in it. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Favorite Technology Device

Hello everyone! Please enjoy me explaining my love for the cellphone by clicking here.  I thought that picking out my favorite technology device was very difficult at first but then I came to realize that there is only one device that I find I use more than any other. Since I am constantly on my cellphone, I cannot picture myself without. I also have an iPhone so I find myself on it more often than my computer since there is an application for everything. When creating this audio file, I felt that I was being very cliche because it is probably most people's favorite device. It is crazy how much we depend on our cellphones though, so I do find it is an important device to have. Feel free to follow along with the transcript provided.

Transcript of Audio:

Hello? Oh hi everyone! My name is Ariel Myers and my favorite piece of technology is the cellphone. I know this may sound a bit cliche and overdone but it is the one device I own that I rely on the most. To be more specific, my iPhone is something that I could not picture myself without. This device is my favorite because it is basically an all-in-one device. It works as a phone but also has the ability to access the Internet, display TV channels, function like a computer and much more. From communicating with friends and family to ordering a Chipotle Burrito, my iPhone is hands down my favorite technology device. I use this device almost every second of everyday. I start my morning off everyday by picking out my outfit through an application that works as a virtual closet. I then use a traffic and weather application to see what my morning commute to work will look like. When I get to work, I use my calendar on my phone to see any set meetings or appointments I may have. I go on the rest of the day using my phone to email, text, call, pin, tweet or upload pictures to instagram. While there are other applications I use such as a calorie counter, a mileage tracker, a movie ticket application and more, the thing that amazes me most about this device is I could be anywhere in the world and capture a moment that I can share with anyone. It blows me away how this device has the ability to create a connection with other people by showing them what I see, hear and feel at an exact moment. Sometimes I feel that I take this device for granted, I am sure most of us do but it is definitely my favorite device and it is the one I wish I had if I stuck on a deserted island. I believe that if these devices weren’t portrayed as ‘toys’ or a distraction to some districts in the education world, I think they could definitely be used to promote student success and I hope we get to see that one day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ariel Myers - Passion for Technology and Assistive Technologies

Hello everyone, my name is Ariel Myers and I am so excited for you to get to know me! Click here to view my Voki and learn more about me.

Feel free to follow the transcript below while viewing the Voki:

Hello everyone, my name is Ariel Myers and I am from Long Island, New York. I recently graduated from Duquesne University this past May with a B.S. in Spanish Education. While I am still taking my tests to get certified in New York, I work full-time as an Technology Coordinator for Brookville Center for Children's Services(BCCS). BCCS is a growing school for children and adults whom are autistic and/or have learning disabilities. In a perfect world, I would enjoy teaching secondary Spanish or working in a Public School District in as an Educational Technologist. My educational passion that I pursue everyday is educating. I love encouraging and teaching others about the benefits they can gain with technology. With that being said, I truly enjoy learning about assistive technologies. I work around children and adults everyday who are not as fortunate as I am. Both these children and adults have created miracles by using all sorts of devices to express themselves when some people thought they did not even have a voice. This has been a huge eye-opener for me not only as an educator but as a person as well. I hope to gain more knowledge about assistive technologies through this course.