Sunday, November 11, 2012

WPP Final

Wicked Problem Project: Final
How To Use Apple Configurator

The Problem:
Having to deploy over 500 iPads was not only a big challenge for me as a new Technology Coordinator within my school, but it was also a bit overwhelming. The purpose of these iPads are to assist students with special needs with communication, comprehension, creativity and much more. I was very excited to begin but ran into a problem along the way. A major concern amongst my colleagues and I was how would we manage all these iPads in an efficient way? After a meeting with Apple, we learned about an application called Apple Configurator. This applications allowed you to successfully manage multiple iOS devices all at once. Since an iPad was designed to be used as a personal device, it only works best when not completely managed. We decided to give teachers a little bit more of control and train a handful of them on how to use this application. These teachers would then be considered "iPad Managers" and would responsible updating, synchronizing and charging all iPads on a daily basis.

The Solution:

The solution to my problem was the training that I conducted which entailed a 30 minute video tutorial, hands-on practice and a PDF guide of how to use Apple Configurator. These tools were very effective because they allowed multiple opportunities for learning and understanding. The video showed a clear demonstration on how to use the application and its multiple features. This way, teachers would apply what they learn during the hands-on practice. A video tutorial also allowed me to pause and take time to clarify questions and concerns some people had. The video is also on the schools website where it is easily accessible and can be reviewed by teachers at their own convenience. The PDF file can be used as a guide during hands-on practice or to assist teachers anytime after the training.

How does technology represent pedagogy?:My choice of technology for this assignment was to create a video tutorial through Camtasia. This connected with the pedagogy because it will give the teachers a visual on exactly how to work the configurator. They will know what to expect before having to perform hands-on practice and this will follow the stages of observational learning. Most of these teachers do not have Mac knowledge so by viewing a video, they will be able to watch and imitate what they observe.

How does technology represent content?:The video tutorial effectively represents the content being taught because it is helpful in demonstrating exactly what is expected. It also leaves time for teachers to take notes, ask questions and embrace what is being taught. This also gave me a chance to pause and address certain misconceptions that arose. The teachers can use this tool to practice from. It is broken down into different sections of features of the Apple Configurator and this will help to better facilitate learning.

How does pedagogy represent content?:
Observational learning is demonstrated when learning how to use Apple Configurator. The teachers will be using my video tutorial and step-by-step guide in order to properly deploy iPads for their students and classrooms. I think by providing the teachers with both a document and a video tutorial, it will accommodate different learning styles and paces.

Teachers are currently successfully deploying 90 of the 500 iPads on a daily basis within my school district. I will be conducting my next training fairly soon and will take what I have learned from feedback to adjust my teaching methods for a more successful tutorial.

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